Recently, I came across a few articles mentioning Facebook’s Prophet library that looked interesting (although the initial release was almost 3 years ago!), so I decided to dig more into it.

Prophet is an open-source library developed by Facebook which aims to make time-series forecasting easier and more scalable. It is a type of generalized additive model (GAM), which uses a regression model with potentially non-linear smoothers. It is called additive because it adds multiple decomposed parts to explain some trends. For example, Prophet uses the following components:

\[y(t) = g(t) + s(t) + h(t) + e(t)\]

$g(t)$: Growth. Big trend. Non-periodic changes.
$s(t)$: Seasonality. Periodic changes (e.g. weekly, yearly, etc.) represented by Fourier Series.
$h(t)$: Holiday effect that represents irregular schedules.
$e(t)$: Error. Any idiosyncratic changes not explained by the model.

In this post, I will explore main concepts and API endpoints of the Prophet library.

Table of Contents

  1. Prepare Data
  2. Train And Predict
  3. Check Components
  4. Evaluate
  5. Trend Change Points
  6. Seasonality Mode
  7. Saving Model
  8. References

1. Prepare Data

In this post. We will use the U.S. traffic volume data available here, which is a monthly traffic volume (miles traveled) on public roadways from January 1970 until September 2020. The unit is a million miles.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# to mute Pandas warnings Prophet needs to fix
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
0 1970-01-01 80173.0
1 1970-02-01 77442.0
2 1970-03-01 90223.0
3 1970-04-01 89956.0
4 1970-05-01 97972.0

Prophet is hard-coded to use specific column names; ds for dates and y for the target variable we want to predict.

# Prophet requires column names to be 'ds' and 'y' 
df.columns = ['ds', 'y']
# 'ds' needs to be datetime object
df['ds'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ds'])

When plotting the original data, we can see there is a big, growing trend in the traffic volume, although there seems to be some stagnant or even decreasing trends (change of rate) around 1980, 2008, and most strikingly, 2020 . Checking how Prophet can handle these changes would be interesting. There is also a seasonal, periodic trend that seems to repeat each year. It goes up until the middle of the year and goes down again. Will Prophet capture this as well?

For train test split, do not forget that we cannot do a random split for time-series data. We use ONLY the earlier part of data for training and the later part of data for testing given a cut-off point. Here, we use 2019/1/1 as our cut-off point.

# split data 
train = df[df['ds'] < pd.Timestamp('2019-01-01')]
test = df[df['ds'] >= pd.Timestamp('2019-01-01')]
print(f"Number of months in train data: {len(train)}")
print(f"Number of months in test data: {len(test)}")
    Number of months in train data: 588
    Number of months in test data: 21

2. Train And Predict

Let’s train a Prophet model. You just initialize an object and fit! That’s all.

Prophet warns that it disabled weekly and daily seasonality. That’s fine because our data set is monthly so there is no weekly or daily seasonality.

from fbprophet import Prophet 

# fit model - ignore train/test split for now 
m = Prophet()
    INFO:fbprophet:Disabling weekly seasonality. Run prophet with weekly_seasonality=True to override this.
    INFO:fbprophet:Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily_seasonality=True to override this.

    <fbprophet.forecaster.Prophet at 0x121b8dc88>

When making predictions with Prophet, we need to prepare a special object called future dataframe. It is a Pandas DataFrame with a single column ds that includes all datetime within the training data plus additional periods given by user.

The parameter periods is basically the number of points (rows) to predict after the end of the training data. The interval (parameter freq) is set to ‘D’ (day) by default, so we need to adjust it to ‘MS’ (month start) as our data is monthly. I set periods=21 as it is the number of points in the test data.

# future dataframe - placeholder object
future = m.make_future_dataframe(periods=21, freq='MS') 
# start of the future df is same as the original data 
0 1970-01-01
1 1970-02-01
2 1970-03-01
3 1970-04-01
4 1970-05-01
# end of the future df is original + 21 periods (21 months)
604 2020-05-01
605 2020-06-01
606 2020-07-01
607 2020-08-01
608 2020-09-01

It’s time to make actual predictions. It’s simple - just predict with the placeholder DataFrame future.

# predict the future
forecast = m.predict(future)

Prophet has a nice built-in plotting function to visualize forecast data. Black dots are for actual data and the blue line is prediction. You can also use matplotlib functions to adjust the figure, such as adding legend or adding xlim or ylim.

# Prophet's own plotting tool to see 
fig = m.plot(forecast)
plt.legend(['Actual', 'Prediction', 'Uncertainty interval'])

3. Check Components

So, what is in the forecast DataFrame? Let’s take a look.

ds trend yhat_lower yhat_upper trend_lower trend_upper additive_terms additive_terms_lower additive_terms_upper yearly yearly_lower yearly_upper multiplicative_terms multiplicative_terms_lower multiplicative_terms_upper yhat
0 1970-01-01 94281.848744 69838.269924 81366.107613 94281.848744 94281.848744 -18700.514310 -18700.514310 -18700.514310 -18700.514310 -18700.514310 -18700.514310 0.0 0.0 0.0 75581.334434
1 1970-02-01 94590.609819 61661.016554 73066.758942 94590.609819 94590.609819 -27382.307301 -27382.307301 -27382.307301 -27382.307301 -27382.307301 -27382.307301 0.0 0.0 0.0 67208.302517
2 1970-03-01 94869.490789 89121.298723 99797.427717 94869.490789 94869.490789 37.306077 37.306077 37.306077 37.306077 37.306077 37.306077 0.0 0.0 0.0 94906.796867
3 1970-04-01 95178.251864 89987.904019 101154.016322 95178.251864 95178.251864 166.278079 166.278079 166.278079 166.278079 166.278079 166.278079 0.0 0.0 0.0 95344.529943
4 1970-05-01 95477.052904 99601.487207 110506.849617 95477.052904 95477.052904 9672.619044 9672.619044 9672.619044 9672.619044 9672.619044 9672.619044 0.0 0.0 0.0 105149.671948

There are many components in it but the main thing that you would care about is yhat which has the final predictions. _lower and _upper flags are for uncertainty intervals.

  • Final predictions: yhat, yhat_lower, and yhat_upper

Other columns are components that comprise the final prediction as we discussed in the introduction. Let’s compare Prophet’s components and what we see in our forecast DataFrame.

\[y(t) = g(t) + s(t) + h(t) + e(t)\]
  • Growth ($g(t)$): trend, trend_lower, and trend_upper
  • Seasonality ($s(t)$): additive_terms, additive_terms_lower, and additive_terms_upper
    • Yearly seasonality: yearly, yearly_lower, andyearly_upper

The additive_terms represent the total seasonality effect, which is the same as yearly seasonality as we disabled weekly and daily seasonalities. All multiplicative_terms are zero because we used additive seasonality mode by default instead of multiplicative seasonality mode, which I will explain later.

Holiday effect ($h(t)$) is not present here as it’s yearly data.

Prophet also has a nice built-in function for plotting each component. When we plot our forecast data, we see two components; general growth trend and yearly seasonality that appears throughout the years. If we had more components such as weekly or daily seasonality, they would have been presented here as well.

# plot components
fig = m.plot_components(forecast)

4. Evaluate

4.1. Evaluate the model on one test set

How good is our model? One way we can understand the model performance, in this case, is to simply calculate the root mean squared error (RMSE) between the actual and predicted values of the above test period.

from import rmse

predictions = forecast.iloc[-len(test):]['yhat']
actuals = test['y']

print(f"RMSE: {round(rmse(predictions, actuals))}")
    RMSE: 32969.0

However, this probably under-represents the general model performance because our data has a drastic change in the middle of the test period which is a pattern that has never been seen before. If our data was until 2019, the model performance score would have been much higher.

4.2. Cross validation

Alternatively, we can perform cross-validation. As previously discussed, time-series analysis strictly uses train data whose time range is earlier than that of test data. Below is an example where we use 5 years of train data to predict 1-year of test data. Each cut-off point is equally spaced with 1 year gap.

Time-series cross validation

Prophet also provides built-in model diagnostics tools to make it easy to perform this cross-validation. You just need to define three parameters: horizon, initial, and period. The latter two are optional.

  • horizon: test period of each fold
  • initial: minimum training period to start with
  • period: time gap between cut-off dates

Make sure to define these parameters in string and in this format: ‘X unit’. X is the number and unit is ‘days’ or ‘secs’, etc. that is compatible with pd.Timedelta. For example, 10 days.

You can also define parallel to make the cross validation faster.

from fbprophet.diagnostics import cross_validation 

# test period
horizon = '365 days'

# itraining period (optional. default is 3x of horizon)
initial = str(365 * 5) + ' days'  

# spacing between cutoff dates (optional. default is 0.5x of horizon)
period = '365 days' 

df_cv = cross_validation(m, initial=initial, period=period, horizon=horizon, parallel='processes')
    INFO:fbprophet:Making 43 forecasts with cutoffs between 1975-12-12 00:00:00 and 2017-12-01 00:00:00
    INFO:fbprophet:Applying in parallel with <concurrent.futures.process.ProcessPoolExecutor object at 0x12fb4d3c8>

This is the predicted output using cross-validation. There can be many predictions for the same timestamp if period is smaller than horizon.

# predicted output using cross validation
ds yhat yhat_lower yhat_upper y cutoff
0 1976-01-01 102282.737592 100862.769604 103589.684840 102460.0 1975-12-12
1 1976-02-01 96811.141761 95360.095284 98247.364027 98528.0 1975-12-12
2 1976-03-01 112360.483572 110908.136982 113775.264669 114284.0 1975-12-12
3 1976-04-01 112029.016859 110622.916037 113458.999123 117014.0 1975-12-12
4 1976-05-01 119161.998160 117645.653475 120579.267732 123278.0 1975-12-12
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
511 2018-08-01 279835.003826 274439.830747 285259.974314 284989.0 2017-12-01
512 2018-09-01 261911.246557 256328.677902 267687.122886 267434.0 2017-12-01
513 2018-10-01 268979.448383 263001.411543 274742.978202 281382.0 2017-12-01
514 2018-11-01 255612.520483 249813.339845 261179.979649 260473.0 2017-12-01
515 2018-12-01 257049.510224 251164.508448 263062.671327 270370.0 2017-12-01

516 rows × 6 columns

Below are different performance metrics for different rolling windows. As we did not define any rolling window, Prophet went ahead and calculated many different combinations and stacked them up in rows (e.g. 53 days, …, 365 days). Each metric is first calculated within each rolling window and then averaged across many available windows.

from fbprophet.diagnostics import cross_validation, performance_metrics 

# performance metrics  
df_metrics = performance_metrics(df_cv)  # can define window size, e.g. rolling_window=365
horizon mse rmse mae mape mdape coverage
0 53 days 3.886562e+07 6234.229883 5143.348348 0.030813 0.027799 0.352941
1 54 days 3.983610e+07 6311.584390 5172.484468 0.030702 0.027799 0.372549
2 55 days 4.272605e+07 6536.516453 5413.997433 0.031607 0.030305 0.352941
3 56 days 4.459609e+07 6678.030078 5662.344846 0.032630 0.031911 0.313725
4 57 days 4.341828e+07 6589.254589 5650.202377 0.032133 0.031481 0.313725
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
115 361 days 2.880647e+07 5367.165528 3960.025025 0.020118 0.015177 0.607843
116 362 days 3.158472e+07 5620.028791 4158.035261 0.020836 0.015177 0.588235
117 363 days 3.798731e+07 6163.384773 4603.360382 0.022653 0.017921 0.549020
118 364 days 4.615621e+07 6793.836092 4952.443173 0.023973 0.018660 0.529412
119 365 days 5.428934e+07 7368.129817 5262.131511 0.024816 0.018660 0.529412

120 rows × 7 columns

5. Trend Change Points

Another interesting functionality of Prophet is add_changepoints_to_plot. As we discussed in the earlier sections, there are a couple of points where the growth rate changes. Prophet can find those points automatically and plot them!

from fbprophet.plot import add_changepoints_to_plot

# plot change points
fig = m.plot(forecast)
a = add_changepoints_to_plot(fig.gca(), m, forecast)

6. Seasonality Mode

The growth in trend can be additive (rate of change is linear) or multiplicative (rate changes over time). When you see the original data, the amplitude of seasonality changes - smaller in the early years and bigger in the later years. So, this would be a multiplicative growth case rather than an additive growth case. We can adjust the seasonality parameter so we can take into account this effect.

# additive mode
m = Prophet(seasonality_mode='additive')
# multiplicative mode
m = Prophet(seasonality_mode='multiplicative')

You can see that the blue lines (predictions) are more in line with the black dots (actuals) when in multiplicative seasonality mode.

7. Saving Model

We can also easily export and load the trained model as json.

import json
from fbprophet.serialize import model_to_json, model_from_json

# Save model
with open('serialized_model.json', 'w') as fout:
    json.dump(model_to_json(m), fout)

# Load model
with open('serialized_model.json', 'r') as fin:
    m = model_from_json(json.load(fin))  

8. References